Your A_V_Firefighters handed a check for $3000.00 to the Orenda Foundation. We were able to do this because of the very successful 1st annual Summer Burnout Car Show. Thanks to all who made this fund raising event so successful. Once again we’re humbled by the out pouring of support our community shows us.
Used for Public information

Your Apple Valley Firefighters
are proud to present
The 1st Annual
Summer Burnout Car Show!
This car show will take place August 24th, 2019 at Maxwell’s Burgers in Apple Valley.
It will benefit local Veterans at the Orenda Foundation.
Mark your calendars, tell your friends and bring out those beautiful cars to show off.
Beer Garden – Street Food – Live Music
Raffles/Prizes – Custom Trophies
Games & Fun for Families
Please share this post with all your friends and social media outlets.
Registration forms can be found on our website
Also at AV Fire Headquarters @ 22400 Headquarters Dr. Apple Valley Ca. 92307
Click for our Registration Form